
Nonbinary autismo, baroque drag demon, cartoon lesbian, aceopian parable.

Cynthia, aka plasticmessiah, is a Naarm based Mauritian neuroqueer creative jack of all trades. They play in the realms of illustration, comics, film, writing, painting, tattooing, music and performance.

Compulsively scribbling forever, on the page and on people, Spleen has amassed a rich body of work (literal bodies). They explore such themes as joy, death, cartoons, fashion, pop culture, memoir, neuroqueer identity, psychology and philosophy.

They believe in inclusive spaces, abolishing binaries, art as a gateway to consciousness and transmuting human suffering into catharsis and joy through exaggeration and humour.

Cynthia is inspired by The Old World, colour, primordial pantomimes, anime, character archetypes, chilled berries, their mother, Freddie Mercury, cats, Ghibli, video games, 80s aesthetics, horror and cathedrals — to name a few.

Hobbies include archery, patting animals and watching cartoons in bed with their cat Shadow.

Virgo Sun/Leo Rising/Cancer Moon.

They are always down to hear propositions for creative shennigans.

